See code on Github


Internationalization through HTML attributes

A tiny client-side script which provides opinionated internationalization (i18n) capabilites to your website or web app.


npm i attr-i18n

# or

yarn add attr-i18n
import { AttrI18n } from 'attr-i18n';

const languages = ['English', 'हिन्दी', 'français'];

new AttrI18n(languages, {
	attr: 'data-translation',
	path: 'assets/translations',
	debug: true,
	togglerID: 'language-toggle',
	defaultLang: languages[0]


Name Type Required Default Description
attr string false data-attr-i18n HTML attribute which contains the translation key
path string false assets/attr-i18n Path to the folder which contains the translation JSON file(s)
debug boolean false false Turns debug mode on/off
togglerID string false attr-i18n-toggler ID attribute for the language toggle HTML select element
defaultLang string false languages[0] The default language. If not provided, the first one from the array is used


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